Side, which was the main port city of Pamphylia in ancient times, was founded on a peninsula 350-400 meters wide, 80 kilometers east of Antalya and 7 kilometers southwest of Manavgat. There are many historical sites and ancient theaters in the ancient city.
At the entrance to the city is also the Side Museum.The ancient city and its theater as well as the Side Museum can be visited every day. Entrance to the ancient city is free and can be visited every hour. The Ancient Theater and the Side Museum can be visited at certain times of the day and for a fee.

Manavgat Waterfall
3 km from the town of Manavgat. The waterfall, located in the west of it, bears the same name as the district. Recreational areas (restaurants, buffets, sales units, resting places and viewing terraces, etc.) have been created in Manavgat Waterfall where all visitors can enjoy and get service. There are also areas where you can have a picnic and have a pleasant time around the waterfall.
Waterfall entrance is paid and can be visited every day of the week between certain hours.
Köprülü Kanyon
Nation Park
Köprülü Canyon National Park, 63 km northwest of Manavgat district of Antalya province, this area, which includes the Köprüçay (Köprü) river and the historical city of Selge, within the borders of Manavgat district, was separated and declared as a National Park in 1973.It is one of the longest canyons in Turkey.Rafting on Köprüçay, one of the most important rafting routes in Turkey, including rafting, canoeing and canyoning (canyon crossing) sports; swimming, hiking, rock climbing, cycling, angling, etc.
It is possible to participate in a wide variety of activities such as sports activities and camping, photography, picnic, jeep safari. Visitors to the region can also include the ancient city of Selge in the National Park and the St. Paul’s Road, some of which are in the National Park, in their itinerary.

Selge Ancient City
Selge is one of the mountain cities of the ancient Pisidia region. It was established on the southern slopes of the Taurus Mountains, at an altitude of 1250 meters from the sea. There are two temple ruins, one dedicated to Zeus and the other to Artemis, on the hill to the north of the city walls that protect the city.
Market place (agora), monumental fountain building, burial area (necropolis) and Byzantine church are the other remains in Selge.Selge is also within the borders of Köprülü Canyon National Park, which has forests that host many endemic species, canyons with a wonderful geological formation, and a recreation area with high landscape value.Entry to the ancient city is free. It can be visited every day between certain hours of the day.
Selge aynı zamanda bir çok endemik canlı türünü barındıran ormanları, doğa harikası bir jeolojik oluşuma sahip kanyonları, peyzaj değeri yüksek bir rekreasyon alanı olan köprülü kanyon milli parkı sınırları içinde kalmaktadır.
Antik kente giriş ücretsizdir. Günün belli saatleri arasında her gün gezilebilir.
Seleukeia(Lybre) Ancient City
Lyrbe Ancient City, a Pamphylia city, is located near Bucakseyhler District of Manavgat district. The city, which seems to be hidden in the pine trees, was built on a hill extending from the forest to the south. The city was founded by the Successor of Alexander the Great, the King of Syria İ. It is one of the 9 cities founded in the name of Selevkov Nikator (321-280 BC). Another Known Name of the City is Lyrbe.Established in the Hellenistic Period, Seleukeia was a port city and was probably located on the coast, west of Side.
The oldest finds unearthed in Lyrbe belong to the earlier Classical Period. Inscriptions in Side language found in Lyrbe indicate that this settlement was inhabited by the same people as the city of Side in Antiquity.Entry to the ancient city is free and can be visited every day of the week.

Altınbesik Cave
National Park
Altınbeşik Cave National Park, which was declared a national park in 1994, is 167 km from Antalya city center. away. 9.7 km from İbradı district.
The village of Urunlu, at a distance of about 5 km. located in the southeast. Altınbeşik Cave is Turkey’s first and Europe’s third largest underwater lake cave.The cave is open to visitors in summer and early autumn. In spring and winter, the cave is closed to visitors because the water rises. National park entrance fee.
Etenna Ancient
The ancient city of Etenna is located in the town of Manavgat, in the district of Backpacky, in the province of Antalya. In the ancient city of Etenna, located 900 meters above sea level, 31 kilometers from Manavgat, the first thing that draws attention among the ancient ruins among the pine forests is the city walls surrounding the city.
Rather than Pamphylia, the ruins have the characteristics of a Pisidian city compared to other coastal ancient cities. This acropolis city is named as “dede castle” by the local people. Hereon, basilica, agora, church, bath, rock tombs and cisterns are important ruins of the city. Etenna is the Pisidian city that minted coins after Selge.Nature walks can be made in and around the Ancient City of Etenna.
Etenna Antik Kenti ve çevresinde doğa yürüyüşü yapılabilir.

Kargihan is located on the old trade route connecting the Central Anatolia Region to the Mediterranean Region. It is located in Manavgat Beygın District. Kargıhan, for which there is no precise information about the year and shape of its construction because its inscription is not available, is dated to the period of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II, who was on the throne from 1236-1246, according to the details reflected by its architectural style.
Alanya Castle
Alanya Castle, which has been inhabited uninterruptedly throughout history due to its difficult access from sea and land and its natural shelter, is one of the best preserved medieval castles. Alanya, whose first foundation date and by whom it was founded is not known exactly, was first built in BC IV. century geographer Scylax refers to it as Corakesion (Coracesium).Alanya Castle, located on a 10-hectare peninsula surrounded by 6km long walls; It has hosted Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations.
During the Seljuk period, Alaeddin Keykubad also had monumental structures built to strengthen the defense of the castle. Kızılkule, one of the unique examples of Seljuk art, is one of them. It is the symbol of Alanya with its plan that provides integrity to the castle.

Damlataş Cave
Damlataş Cave was discovered in 1948 during the opening of a quarry for the stone to be used in the construction of the port. The cave is on the west coast of the historical Alanya Castle. The cave was named Damlataş because of the water drops that continue to drip from the stalactites. In addition to its fascinating beauty, the cave is also famous for its air that is good for asthma patients. It is Turkey’s first cave opened to tourism.
The cave can be visited between certain hours every day. Cave entrance fee.
Dim Cave
It is on the slope of Cebel-i Reis Mountain, 12 kilometers east of Alanya. the cave is 232 meters above sea level. Opened in 1998, the cave is Turkey’s second largest cave opened to visitors. It is estimated to be one million years old.It can be visited any day of the week.
There is an entrance fee.

Alara Han
Alara Han, built in 1231-1232, is on the Antalya-Alanya route, in Okurcalar Town and within the borders of the Çakallar village. The inn, built on the edge of the Alara Stream, has a rectangular planned sitting area extending in the northeast-southwest direction. According to its six-line inscription placed over the low-arched doorway on the northeast façade, the building was built in 1231/32 by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad I.
(Sinek Castle)
The ancient city in Elikesik Village, 12 km northwest of Alanya, is within the borders of Pamphylia region. It is popularly known as Sinekkalesi . Ancient geographer Strabo mentions that the timber used in shipbuilding was obtained from the city, especially that cedar trees were abundant, and that Antonius even gifted this region to Cleopatra. It is understood from the inscriptions and the ruins that the city was inhabited from the Hellenistic Period to the end of the Byzantine Period.It can be visited at any time of the day.

Located on the 44th kilometer of the Antalya – Alanya highway, Aspendos is famous for having the best preserved Roman theater not only in Anatolia but also in the entire Mediterranean world.
Dedicated to the gods and emperors of the era, the building exhibits the last lines of Roman theater architecture and construction technique. It was built by architect Zenon, son of Theodoros, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161–180 AD). Next to the theater, the most important ruins of the city that can be visited are the waterways. The Aspendos waterway system is one of the best preserved examples of ancient waterways.It can be visited between certain hours every day. Entrance fee
Çolaklı, Tilkiler Mevkii, Erhan Demir Blv. No:4 Manavgat/Antalya

Side Ancient City
Side, which was the main port city of Pamphylia in ancient times, was founded on a peninsula 350-400 meters wide, 80 kilometers east of Antalya and 7 kilometers southwest of Manavgat. There are many historical sites and ancient theaters in the ancient city.
At the entrance to the city is also the Side Museum.The ancient city and its theater as well as the Side Museum can be visited every day. Entrance to the ancient city is free and can be visited every hour. The Ancient Theater and the Side Museum can be visited at certain times of the day and for a fee.

Manavgat Waterfall
3 km from the town of Manavgat. The waterfall, located in the west of it, bears the same name as the district. Recreational areas (restaurants, buffets, sales units, resting places and viewing terraces, etc.) have been created in Manavgat Waterfall where all visitors can enjoy and get service. There are also areas where you can have a picnic and have a pleasant time around the waterfall.
Waterfall entrance is paid and can be visited every day of the week between certain hours.

Köprülü Canyon
National Park
Köprülü Canyon National Park, 63 km northwest of Manavgat district of Antalya province, this area, which includes the Köprüçay (Köprü) river and the historical city of Selge, within the borders of Manavgat district, was separated and declared as a National Park in 1973. It is one of the longest canyons in Turkey.
Rafting on Köprüçay, one of the most important rafting routes in Turkey, including rafting, canoeing and canyoning (canyon crossing) sports; swimming, hiking, rock climbing, cycling, angling, etc. It is possible to participate in a wide variety of activities such as sports activities and camping, photography, picnic, jeep safari. Visitors to the region can also include the ancient city of Selge in the National Park and the St. Paul’s Road, some of which are in the National Park, in their itinerary.

Selge Ancient City
Selge is one of the mountain cities of the ancient Pisidia region. It was established on the southern slopes of the Taurus Mountains, at an altitude of 1250 meters from the sea. There are two temple ruins, one dedicated to Zeus and the other to Artemis, on the hill to the north of the city walls that protect the city. Market place (agora), monumental fountain building, burial area (necropolis) and Byzantine church are the other remains in Selge.Selge is also within the borders of Köprülü Canyon National Park, which has forests that host many endemic species, canyons with a wonderful geological formation, and a recreation area with high landscape value.
Entry to the ancient city is free. It can be visited every day between certain hours of the day.

Seleukeia(Lybre) Ancient City
Lyrbe Ancient City, a Pamphylia city, is located near Bucakseyhler District of Manavgat district. The city, which seems to be hidden in the pine trees, was built on a hill extending from the forest to the south. The city was founded by the Successor of Alexander the Great, the King of Syria İ. It is one of the 9 cities founded in the name of Selevkov Nikator (321-280 BC). Another Known Name of the City is Lyrbe.Established in the Hellenistic Period, Seleukeia was a port city and was probably located on the coast, west of Side. The oldest finds unearthed in Lyrbe belong to the earlier Classical Period.
Inscriptions in Side language found in Lyrbe indicate that this settlement was inhabited by the same people as the city of Side in Antiquity.Entry to the ancient city is free and can be visited every day of the week.

Altınbesik Cave
National Park
Altınbesik Cave National Park, which was declared a national park in 1994, is 167 km from Antalya city center. away. 9.7 km from İbradı district. The village of Urunlu, at a distance of about 5 km. located in the southeast. Altınbeşik Cave is Turkey’s first and Europe’s third largest underwater lake cave.The cave is open to visitors in summer and early autumn.
In spring and winter, the cave is closed to visitors because the water rises. National park entrance fee.

Etenna Ancient
The ancient city of Etenna is located in the town of Manavgat, in the district of Backpacky, in the province of Antalya. In the ancient city of Etenna, located 900 meters above sea level, 31 kilometers from Manavgat, the first thing that draws attention among the ancient ruins among the pine forests is the city walls surrounding the city. Rather than Pamphylia, the ruins have the characteristics of a Pisidian city compared to other coastal ancient cities.
This acropolis city is named as “dede castle” by the local people. Hereon, basilica, agora, church, bath, rock tombs and cisterns are important ruins of the city. Etenna is the Pisidian city that minted coins after Selge.Nature walks can be made in and around the Ancient City of Etenna.

Kargihan is located on the old trade route connecting the Central Anatolia Region to the Mediterranean Region. It is located in Manavgat Beygın District. Kargıhan, for which there is no precise information about the year and shape of its construction because its inscription is not available, is dated to the period of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II, who was on the throne from 1236-1246, according to the details reflected by its architectural style.

Alanya Castle
Alanya Castle, which has been inhabited uninterruptedly throughout history due to its difficult access from sea and land and its natural shelter, is one of the best preserved medieval castles. Alanya, whose first foundation date and by whom it was founded is not known exactly, was first built in BC IV. century geographer Scylax refers to it as Corakesion (Coracesium).
Alanya Castle, located on a 10-hectare peninsula surrounded by 6km long walls; It has hosted Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations.During the Seljuk period, Alaeddin Keykubad also had monumental structures built to strengthen the defense of the castle. Kızılkule, one of the unique examples of Seljuk art, is one of them. It is the symbol of Alanya with its plan that provides integrity to the castle.

Damlataş Cave
. Damlataş Cave was discovered in 1948 during the opening of a quarry for the stone to be used in the construction of the port. The cave is on the west coast of the historical Alanya Castle. The cave was named Damlataş because of the water drops that continue to drip from the stalactites.
In addition to its fascinating beauty, the cave is also famous for its air that is good for asthma patients. It is Turkey’s first cave opened to tourism.The cave can be visited between certain hours every day. Cave entrance fee

Dim Cave
It is on the slope of Cebel-i Reis Mountain, 12 kilometers east of Alanya. the cave is 232 meters above sea level. Opened in 1998, the cave is Turkey’s second largest cave opened to visitors. It is estimated to be one million years old.It can be visited any day of the week. There is an entrance fee.

Alara Han
Alara Han, built in 1231-1232, is on the Antalya-Alanya route, in Okurcalar Town and within the borders of the Çakallar village. The inn, built on the edge of the Alara Stream, has a rectangular planned sitting area extending in the northeast-southwest direction.
According to its six-line inscription placed over the low-arched doorway on the northeast façade, the building was built in 1231/32 by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad I.

(Sinek Castle)
The ancient city in Elikesik Village, 12 km northwest of Alanya, is within the borders of Pamphylia region. It is popularly known as Sinekkalesi . Ancient geographer Strabo mentions that the timber used in shipbuilding was obtained from the city, especially that cedar trees were abundant, and that Antonius even gifted this region to Cleopatra. It is understood from the inscriptions and the ruins that the city was inhabited from the Hellenistic Period to the end of the Byzantine Period.It can be visited at any time of the day.

Located on the 44th kilometer of the Antalya – Alanya highway, Aspendos is famous for having the best preserved Roman theater not only in Anatolia but also in the entire Mediterranean world.
Dedicated to the gods and emperors of the era, the building exhibits the last lines of Roman theater architecture and construction technique. It was built by architect Zenon, son of Theodoros, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161–180 AD). Next to the theater, the most important ruins of the city that can be visited are the waterways.
The Aspendos waterway system is one of the best preserved examples of ancient waterways.It can be visited between certain hours every day. Entrance fee
Çolaklı, Tilkiler Mevkii, Erhan Demir Blv. No:4 Manavgat/Antalya